Board development

“unitary boards provide the best vehicle for good corporate governance because they combine an independent perspective with detailed knowledge of the organisation in setting strategy and culture, in oversight of the work of the executive and in being accountable to stakeholders “  (Boards, Leadership and the NHS – NHS Providers, July 2015)

 “By well led, we mean that the leadership, management and governance of the organisation ensure the delivery of sustainable high quality person-centred care, support learning and innovation, and promote an open and fair culture”. (Well-Led framework – Monitor, April 2015)

Does your board grapple with operating as a unitary board? Do non-executive directors become too operationally involved and do your executive directors contribute across the range of board responsibilities?

Charis Consultants Limited offers bespoke board development programmes and facilitation to help your board explore its effectiveness. This work is shaped by the four key functions of a board under the well-led framework, namely,

  • Strategy and planning
  • Capacity and culture
  • Process and structures
  • Measurement

Board development programmes can offer induction training and support for new board members as well as coaching and development support for experienced directors. Effectiveness questionnaires and 360 appraisals tools can also be included if required. Reviews of committee reporting structures and effectiveness can support the board in assessing its effectiveness as the “controlling mind of the organisation”.

If you are a foundation trust you might like to also consider the joint board and council development programme that we offer.  A joint board and council development programme could include:-

  • overview of the board and council roles
  • their distinctives
  • the unitary board and the corporate council
  • holding NEDs to account for the performance of the board
  • delivering local accountability

For more details and free introductory discussion to assess your board development needs please contact us.


Programmes are individually priced according to the level of tailoring, number of attendees and expenses with discounts offered for more extensive or longer term programmes.

Costs are inclusive of travel expenses but the client is required to cover all printing and hospitality costs.